INSIDE: HubSpot FellowsAshlee Gerowon May 23, 2023 at 7:26 am Careers Blog
Growth isn’t linear.
And leadership isn’t defined only by your role; it might not necessarily mean moving into “people management.” Leadership is a particular type of action, not a title or individual person. That’s why creating programs that allow HubSpotters to develop their leadership skills at HubSpot (and beyond) is a core part of our philosophy on career growth.
A key part of this philosophy is the Fellows Program, HubSpot’s premier growth program designed to accelerate the impact of our most talented HubSpotters from around the globe. This multi-day program is built to bring strong-performing HubSpotters, from Individual Contributors to Senior Managers, together for intensive case-based learning and leadership development.
Throughout the program, Fellows participants learn directly from Harvard Business School Professors and HubSpot’s C-Suite & Executive teams on leadership topics including a deep dive into the economics of HubSpot, making strategic decisions, managing through challenges, corporate finance basics, innovation management, and competitive strategy. The curriculum is modeled after case-based MBA programs – the closest you can come to learning from experience without actually having lived through these highly-complex leadership scenarios.
This month, a new Cohort of 27 HubSpotters begins. To celebrate this new Cohort, we spoke to a few Alumni of the HubSpot Fellows Program to learn more about their experience and the program’s impact.
Let’s hear what they had to say…
Careers Blog