4 Tips For Becoming The Co-Worker Everyone LovesJenna Arcandon May 25, 2022 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


Let’s make things clear: It’s impossible for everyone in the workplace to be your close friend. It’s possible, however, to grow positive working relationships with them.

So, what do we mean when we say positive relationships? Every employee dreams of working in an environment where positivity resonates. Where people are supportive of each other. Where you feel motivated to work hard, not to mention score a perfect attendance, because your colleagues are encouraging. We all aspire to be a part of a team made up of awesome people. How do you ensure now, that you, yourself, are a good colleague to your teammates? You know you need to attract pleasant treatment before you receive it.

With that, here are a few tips for becoming the co-worker everyone loves:

1. Be Pleasant

Remember the golden rule? Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do unto you. This also rings true in the workplace. If you treat people around you coldly and refuse to share even a smile, then you could as well expect your colleagues to seem distant. Although people will have varying attitudes, they can still work together well. It takes open-mindedness to survive and thrive in such an environment. So learn to look past differences. Accept others as they are. Show kindness. It will be returned in situations you need it the most.

2. Be Innovative

It is easy to keep to yourself while in the workplace—minding your own tasks, limiting talks with your colleagues, and going straight home after work. Your motivation to go to the office every day is the paycheck you receive. You comply with what you’re told to do, but do not really extend efforts going beyond what is expected of you. If there’s anything you want to explore in addition to the tasks assigned to you, let your boss know. Volunteer to assist your colleagues who might be able to use extra hands. If the resources given to you are not enough, then take the initiative to look for more. Consult your colleagues; ask your boss. Nobody wants someone who depends on spoon-feeding.

3. Respect The Bosses

Bosses can sometimes be difficult. They, sometimes, reach out to the team as though they’re on the same level as them. Bosses are not created equal. They may be using different approaches to inspire their team. There are times when you would find their rules too stringent, or perhaps lax. However, they act. Remember, they are your superiors, your leaders. Even if, at times, you might find their behavior uncalled for, never speak negatively about them to your colleagues. If there is anything you need to say, tell it straight to them. This is not to say that you smarm your boss; however, it would help that they have a positive impression of you.

4. Sustain Healthy Competition

How do you look at your workplace? Is it something you see as a battlefield, with all your colleagues as your enemies? Is it a place you call your second home with people you deem as your other family? Is it a haunted mansion with everyone around acting like zombies? It’s okay to be competitive. But to aspire for progress so much that you’re already building barriers from your colleagues can be harmful. You are a team still, and to get ahead doesn’t mean you need to leave people behind or hanging. Do your best while reaching out in any way you can to your colleagues.

Becoming the co-worker everyone loves is easier than you think, as long as you do these four things at work. Start building positive workplace relationships today!

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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