4 Ways Internal & External Recruiters Can Work Better TogetherExecutive Communityon August 11, 2022 at 3:30 pm b’Work It Daily’


Internal and external recruiters may appear to work in duplicative positions, but a closer look reveals that a collaboration between these two resources can result in better hires for companies.

The key to success is playing to each of these recruiter’s strengths.

Covering More Ground

Companies need workers, but finding them has become a daunting task. Candidates have many options, as indicated by the number of jobs available—about 11 million at last count—nationwide.

Internal recruiters are juggling multiple searches and often must rely on traditional tactics, such as online job postings, that attract the interest of active candidates. That’s where external recruiters come in. They can complement internal recruiters’ efforts by strategically unearthing passive candidates who may consider an exceptional career move.

Building A Pipeline Of Talent

As the economy continues to roar back from the pandemic-induced recession, companies are growing again. With that growth comes a need to fill new and existing positions.

While internal recruiters are filling the positions for today, external recruiters can help their colleagues build a pipeline of talent for future searches.

Such is the case at Duffy Group, which works hand-in-hand with clients such as CVS Health and General Mills to create a consistent group of qualified candidates who could become the next great hires.

Soup To Nuts Or Selective Services

In some cases, internal recruiters may call upon their external partners to handle an entire search—from sourcing and vetting to interviewing and hiring. In other instances, it may be best for these recruiting resources to handle distinct tasks.

Duffy Group uses a highly effective recruitment model called Recruitment Research that helps hiring leaders precisely and successfully target candidates who are the best match for a company’s open positions. But unlike traditional recruitment approaches, Recruitment Research enables internal recruiters and talent acquisition teams to unbundle the search process to focus on a particular area of need.

A case in point is Duffy Group’s work with a law firm client, which gives our team a targeted list of qualified candidates. Our charge is to contact these individuals as an independent third party.

Courting Candidates

Internal and external recruiters know that building relationships with candidates is a critical part of their jobs. Without such relationships, recruiters may get to the finish line only for the candidate to withdraw from consideration for the job or ghost the employer leading up to or following a job offer.

The problem for internal recruiters is finding time to do this. That’s another benefit of having an external recruitment partner who can keep in touch with top candidates and maintain their interest in a position with their clients over time.

What was once believed to be a competitive relationship between internal and external recruiters has changed. In today’s tight labor market, making the most of a company’s hiring resources is essential. By working together as a seamless team, recruiters—whether working internally at a company or externally as a partner—can become a secret weapon to building a quality workforce for today and tomorrow.

b’Work It Daily’

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