4 Ways To Take Ownership Of Your CareerAriella Coombson November 21, 2023 at 5:30 pm Work It Daily


Are you sick and tired of depending on other people for your career success? Good! The only person in charge of your success is you.

If you’re feeling trapped by a job you hate, a bad boss, insulting pay, or all of the above, it’s time you take ownership of your career. But where do you start?

Here are three things you can do to start taking control of your career today:

Take Inventory Of Your Skill Sets

What are you known for? What are your best skills? What accomplishments are you most proud of? What are your best qualities?

Take some time to list your best skill sets, and how you use those skill sets to add value to a company. Think of all the quantifiable examples of the times your skills have helped previous employers and other examples of your skill sets standing out from everyone else’s.

Organizing all of this information will help you build your personal brand and organize how you want to market yourself as a business-of-one to employers.

Start Being Proactive In Your Career

If you want to take ownership of your career, you need to stop being reactive and start being proactive. Reactive activities include but aren’t limited to the following: waiting for your boss to give you a promotion, waiting for recruiters to reach out to you with new opportunities, or waiting for employers to email you back about your resume.

Notice that all of these “job search activities” started with the word “waiting.” Newsflash: Waiting doesn’t get results. Taking action does.

Instead, set up a meeting with your boss to discuss advancement opportunities or make a bucket list of companies that you want to work at, and then reach out to employees at those companies to connect, and maybe even set up informational interviews.

It’s also important to submit your cover letter and resume to an actual person when applying for a job, and following up with that hiring staff.

Build Your Professional Network

The old saying, “It’s who you know,” has never rung more true. Get by with a little help from your career friends! Focus your efforts on building your professional network. Meet new people within your industry and bucket list companies. Start conversations and build relationships with them.

Even if you’re not ready to find a new job or change careers yet, having these people in the wings as references, mentors, and professional contacts will help you tremendously. They can provide tips and insight, act as a sounding board for ideas, and even hook you up with a job. Just make sure you help them out in return!

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Part of your new, proactive approach is to step out of your comfort zone. Many people hold themselves back solely because they are afraid of what people might think. But remember, nothing will change if you don’t!

Make an effort to put yourself out there and meet new people. Set up informational interviews with like-minded professionals, strike up a conversation with someone at a conference, and attend in-person or virtual networking events.

If you’re ready to achieve career success, take ownership of your career today by following the tips above. What is your business-of-one capable of?

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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