7 Ways To Prepare For A Phone InterviewJenna Arcandon April 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


If you’re like most people, you either (a) hate phone interviews or (b) don’t take them as seriously as face-to-face interviews. The truth is that phone interviews are incredibly important because if you don’t do well, you’ll never get the chance to interview in person.

With the right preparation, you can learn to hate them a little less and practically guarantee yourself an invitation to an in-person interview. These seven phone interview tips will help you prepare for (and ace!) any phone interview.

1. Set Up The Phone Interview At A Time That Works For You

You often have choices about when to schedule your call. It only makes sense to schedule it when you’re most alert. If you’re a morning person, schedule it early. If it takes you a good few hours to become your best, schedule it for the afternoon. If they call you and it isn’t a good time for you, let them know that it isn’t the best time (no need to tell them why) and ask to reschedule. Just don’t wait too long to make that happen.

Hint: Make sure that when you do set your phone interview up, you leave yourself a cushion of time after the call, in case it goes especially well and runs long. Some phone interviews stick with a time limit of 10-15 minutes, but others last 30-45 minutes or longer.

2. Pick A Quiet Spot To Talk

There’s nothing like being on the phone in a noisy public place to signal that you aren’t taking this call seriously. Instead, do the phone interview at home, in a room by yourself. You want no distractions.

3. If You Can, Use A Landline For Your Interview

Bad reception can ruin your call. Play it safe and use a landline, if possible.

4. Research The Company

Some job seekers think phone interviews are basic information sessions, but you’ll make a much stronger impression if you already know everything you can about the company before your call. You’ll ask better questions and give more impressive answers to their questions.

5. Dress For The Interview

It’s easy to be tempted to stay in your pajamas for this call, but it’s better to wear work clothes. Clothes do affect how we behave and you need to be all business.

6. Make Sure You’re Physically Comfortable & Relaxed

Eat, drink, take a bathroom break, and take a few moments to breathe and relax before your call.

7. Prepare ‘Cheat Sheets’

Since the hiring manager can’t see you, this is the perfect opportunity to have a printed-out resume, notes on the company, questions you want to ask, and words and phrases you want to use in your phone interview answers out in front of you. This is one of the few advantages of a phone interview, so make the most of it. Just spread them out in front of you so they can’t hear you shuffling papers. Make sure you also have blank paper with a pen to take notes.

It’s important to do as much interview prep as you can. You will never get another chance to make a first impression with this company. How you do now will affect whether or not you get the face-to-face interview, and it can bias them to like you even more before you set foot on site.

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