8 Survival Tips For The Laid Off And LookingJenna Arcandon November 17, 2022 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


It can be difficult to stay focused, positive, and proactive when you get laid off, but that is exactly what you need to do if you want to get a new job!

If you’re laid off and looking, check out these eight simple tips to get you out of the house and back to work.

1. Get Dressed

It may not seem important, but it is. Changing your clothes can change your mindset.

Just as it is important to have a designated area to “work” on your job search, you should have a job search wardrobe. You never know when you might interact with someone who might have a job opportunity for you. Put your best foot forward at all times.

2. Leave The House Every Day

Leaving the house every day will increase your chances of meeting others with job opportunities or even interview opportunities. Even beyond the simple act of reminding people you exist by presenting yourself in public, you get human acknowledgment.

Sitting at home, alone, in front of a computer can result in feeling like you don’t exist after a while. Making eye contact with others and receiving acknowledgment can really improve your confidence and self-esteem.

3. Read Something Career/Industry Related Every Day

Feed your mind! Keep up to date with your industry so you can continuously know what skills are in demand. Reading job search and career-related articles can also give you some tips and tricks from which you might benefit, and help you stay connected to the working world.

4. Vary Your Job Search Approach

Not only is sitting in front of the computer applying for jobs day after day boring, but it is also ineffective! You will rarely get a response, and if you do, it is often a rejection letter.

The easiest and most effective way to land a new job is by networking your way into the company. Also be sure to follow up on your applications and resume submissions with any connections you may have at the company, to try to go around the ATS and get your job application in the hands of the hiring manager.

Changing up your job search will keep you engaged, fresh, and motivated.

5. Practice Interviewing

I am always so surprised when a new client contacts me to practice for an interview a day or two before the main event. Ideally, you should practice with a career coach or other professional several times before you are even called for an interview.

Mock interviews can be extremely helpful, especially if you’re nervous. Have a trusted colleague ask you behavioral interview questions so you can practice your answers. Once the mock interview is over, listen to their feedback to see what you should work on before the real thing.

6. Keep A Schedule

Paper or electronic—it doesn’t matter. Map out your week ahead and review your schedule daily. This will ensure you don’t miss any application deadlines or opportunities to follow up or network. You also won’t forget to keep your word to call an employer back “next Tuesday.”

Job search is your business right now…unless you want to continue being unemployed.

7. Review Your Resume, LinkedIn Profile, And Cover Letter

Your resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter should all be considered living documents. You should also review and update them regularly so you’re always ready for your next career move, no matter if you get laid off or simply decide you want to look for a new job. Even small improvements or corrections can make a surprising difference.

Additionally, it is easy to overlook things you take for granted like the same link that has been on your LinkedIn profile for ages but now happens to be broken. Try to use an objective eye when reviewing these documents. If it’s been a while since you’ve updated them, and you don’t know where to start, a career coach can help!

8. Volunteer

You may not think you have time to volunteer, but you do. Not only will the organization or individual receiving your time and effort appreciate it, but you will benefit as well.

There is no way for me to describe how good it can make you feel to be able to contribute your time and energy a few hours a week to a good cause. It is good for your self-confidence, builds feelings of relevance, and can be another networking opportunity as well.

You just never know what will lead you to your next job opportunity! While this is by no means a complete list of things that you can do if you are laid off and looking, it is a good start.

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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