8 Ways To Deal With The Monday BluesJenna Arcandon December 10, 2021 at 5:00 pm Work It Daily


Feeling the “Monday Blues?” You are not alone in this. Millions of people feel the same way you do. So, how do you deal with it?

Here are eight ways to effectively deal with the Monday Blues so you can start your week off on the right foot!

1. Don’t Think About Them

The more you think about the Monday Blues, the worse they become. The way I deal with the Monday Blues is to not think about them. Do they go away? I’m not sure. But it sure makes me feel better. If you think about an itch, it seems to get itchier. So, I just don’t think about the Monday Blues and I do not remind myself of the feeling. I simply ignore them and I feel better immediately. So, get that concept of the Monday Blues out of your mind. The less you think about the Monday Blues, the easier it will be to get through the day.

2. Get Some Sunlight

Get outside and soak of some sunlight when you can. Sometimes just getting some fresh air can help. There has been lots of research that shows sunlight stimulates our feel-good hormones and helps us deal with the blues—Monday Blues or otherwise.

3. Get Your To-Do List Ready On Sunday

When I return from a long vacation, I use the day before to tidy up my list of things to do at work. It helps me plan out and prepare for the load of work that awaits me when I get back to work the next day. I use the same system to deal with Mondays. Get your to-do list ready for the new week. When you have a properly planned list, you feel you are more in control and hence feel less of the Monday Blues.

4. Listen To Music

Some people like to start their Monday listening to music they love. It might help to improve your mood and provide you with the motivation to take on the day. Turn on the music while you make yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea in the morning, when getting ready for the day, or while commuting to work. It helps take your mind away from the experience of Monday mornings.

5. Prioritize Your Health On The Weekend

Let’s face it: sometimes it isn’t the Monday Blues that drag us down. It’s what we did on the weekend that does. I like to call it “inertia from the weekend.” If we sleep in on Saturday and Sunday and have a leisure weekend, our body expects Monday to be the same. Or, if we party it up and don’t take care of ourselves, we’ll feel the effects of that on Monday morning. We’ll hit the snooze button and, before you know it, we’ll be rushing again. And we all know what happens when we rush. We skip breakfast, have small mishaps and, consequently, our week starts off on the wrong note. In other words, an unbalanced weekend—one without activity or relaxation—can make Mondays worse.

We blame it on Monday, but it is not about Mondays—it is simply not prioritizing our physical or mental health on our days off. So, take care of yourself this weekend, wake up early, and see how that changes your Monday.

6. Eat

Ever thought about food as a way to tackle your Monday Blues? By starting early, you allow yourself to make a good breakfast or grab one on the way to work. If you are not a breakfast person, I strongly urge you to try it to tackle your Monday Blues. A stomach with fuel for the day sure helps in dealing with the Monday Blues. If that doesn’t work, look forward to a good lunch with good company.

7. Look Forward To Good Things

There are many good things at work if you just open your eyes and be mindful. Your pay helps you settle your bills. Your colleagues have become good friends. Your boss, who you may not always agree with, is by and large understanding when you make certain requests. Look forward to these good things when you are faced with the Monday Blues.

8. Realize It Will Be Over Soon

Everything that starts must end. It’s the same with Monday Blues. It’s just the morning that you are usually most affected. Just tell yourself it isn’t permanent. It’s just a phase and, as with everything else, it will go away. It happens on Monday and it’s just for a few hours. Before you know it, it will be over. Do not dwell on it. Create your own dominant thought that masters your mind.

The Monday Blues need not own you and you need not fear them. The more attached you are to the concept, the worse it will affect you. Try some of these tips and see how they will help you tackle your Monday Blues!

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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