Exit Statements: What Do I Say When I’ve Been Let Go?Jenna Arcandon February 9, 2022 at 3:30 pm Work It Daily


Recently, a reader asked the following question: “I was recently let go from my last company. Are your career experts able to assist with exit statements on why you left a job for situations like this?”

Yes, we do a lot of work in this area. It falls into our “Interview Prep” category.

Here’s how we help you work through and create a solid answer to: “Why did you leave your last job?”

Steal The HR Playbook

At Work It Daily, we provide expert career courses you can watch to find out how to prepare for behavioral interview questions like the one above. Then, we give you a comprehensive list of 18 behavioral interview questions that you could get asked during an interview. (I’m talking REALLY tough questions—the kind that make you sweat just hearing them, let alone answering them!)

Once you’ve read through and thought about these behavioral interview questions, you can choose to write out your answers and submit them to a career coach for review. The career coach then works with you by email so you can fine-tune your answers and be truly confident they are sending the right message. In particular, we focus on the questions that are giving you the greatest “crisis of confidence,” and then we work on those until you are 110% ready to discuss them in an interview.

Interview Prep Eliminates The #1 Killer Of Candidates In Job Interviews

The process above works well for those who have been fired or laid off because it helps them work through their pain and fears related to discussing what they see as an “unpleasant” item on their career record and resume.

Through your interactions and support from your career coach, you’ll see that this is nothing to be sad, embarrassed, or angry about. We help you move past the emotions and focus on the good (yes, good!) that has come from the experience. Trust me, you need to move past this. Ninety-three percent of communication is nonverbal. So, if you aren’t completely comfortable talking about all the tough stuff, then you can bet hiring managers will read it in your body language, facial expressions, and tone. People know when you are lying—and not being at peace with your past and trying to hide it is a form of lying, especially to yourself.

So, if you need help answering, “Why did you leave your last job?” check out Work It Daily and all of our career resources. We’ll help you effectively answer this question (and other difficult behavioral interview questions) and gain the confidence you need to ace your next interview.

This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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