4 Wise Thoughts To Keep You Motivated At WorkJenna Arcandon February 11, 2022 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


I’m not sure if you can classify these wise thoughts as powerful words that can keep you motivated at work. Perhaps they are more akin to an attitude, or way of being. But I believe if you remember these words, if you remember this advice in the workplace, you’ll be sure to get a boost of motivation at work.

1. Discuss, Don’t Complain

How often do you catch yourself complaining about others at work? Or finding fault in others? You may think you have a legitimate reason, but all the complaining will not do you any good. In fact, all it does is keep you demotivated. When you do this, you keep reminding yourself of how bad your work environment is.

Here are the powerful words to remember: “discuss, don’t complain.” What’s the difference? Well, when you discuss, you try to understand the root cause, and you try to find a solution. When you complain, you only focus on the problem and find “pleasure” in dwelling on the faults of others.

2. Listen To Comprehend

Another powerful phrase to remember in order to keep motivated at work is “listen to comprehend.” How often do you find yourself listening to your colleagues only to rebut what they say? When you have actions like that, how can you find a good work environment to keep motivated? Next time a colleague talks, truly listen to comprehend what they are saying.

3. Speak With Understanding

Have you analyzed your speech at work? Perhaps you should. How often do you hurt people with the words you say? When you use unkind words and often repeat gossip, you inevitably create an unhealthy environment for yourself and your colleagues.

More words to keep in mind in order to keep motivated at work are “speak with understanding.” Acknowledge people’s good qualities and praise them. When we focus on others’ good qualities, it also makes us feel happier. Do an experiment: speak well of others for a few weeks. A month if you can. Every day, compliment someone sincerely. Even someone you do not like. Then, see how much more motivated you feel at work.

4. Help, Don’t Hide

The three last powerful words to help you keep motivated at work are “help, don’t hide.” Whenever there is an opportunity to make yourself available for service to others, do it. The more time you spend helping others and not hiding away from them when help is needed, the happier you will be at work. What you are doing is strengthening your relationships and growing your network. These support systems will later come to your aid too when you are in need of help.

There are, of course, more powerful words that can help you keep motivated at work. But start with these. They may seem like a few small phrases, but they are not easy to do. It takes months and months of practice. But if you are able to do these for a stretch of time, you will see a difference in your motivation at work.

Are you still feeling unmotivated at work? It might be time for a change.

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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