Are You Ready For The Workplace Revolution? Join Work It Daily’s New FREE Community!Jenna Arcandon February 25, 2022 at 8:30 pm Work It Daily


If you’re looking for a job, want to make a career change, feel burned out, or all of the above, our new platform is the perfect place for you to overcome your career struggles so you can find career happiness and satisfaction again. The Workplace Revolution is here, and Work It Daily is leading the way!

J.T. O’Donnell, Work It Daily’s founder and CEO, and a former staffing industry executive and 20-year career coaching veteran with over 2.6 million followers on LinkedIn and another 1.1 million on TikTok, says that many of the participants in the Great Resignation will struggle to find jobs that are better than what they had previously because they were never taught the “new career rules” for success.

“The pain and depression these folks are experiencing are real and deep. It’s not easy to break through your burnout without the right training and support,” says O’Donnell.

This is why we’re launching a new FREE online platform for those looking to find the answers they need to create career satisfaction on their own terms.

Feeling Burned Out In Your Career? Our New FREE Community Is For You…

O’Donnell explains, “Our platform is built to provide the 3Cs for career success: coaching, courses, and community.” Ultimately, we’re leading the Workplace Revolution by providing a private place for frustrated workers to transform themselves.

When you join our FREE community, you get access to…

Exclusive Career Transformation CoursesTemplates & Tools To Optimize Your Resume, LinkedIn & Personal BrandExpert-Led Group Career Coaching SessionsInspiring Live Events & Networking PartiesSupportive Community To Discuss Career & Job Search Challenges

Sign up for FREE today and join thousands of other members who are becoming empowered in their careers and taking back their happiness.

Break Through Your Burnout: How To Go From Crisis To Career Satisfaction

Plus, to kick off the launch of our community, J.T. is hosting “Break Through Your Burnout: How To Go From Crisis To Career Satisfaction,” a 4-week FREE course that starts on Wednesday, March 2nd at 12 pm ET.

“This class will help people understand what is holding them down and making them feel unable to get out of their career funk,” says O’Donnell.

Sign up for this revolutionary new class and meet your fellow WID Renegades! We hope to see you there.

Join The Workplace Revolution For FREE Today!

The Workplace Revolution is here. We’d love it if you joined us in changing the world of work for the better.

Work It Daily

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