How To Take Advantage Of Online Career Skills CoursesJenna Arcandon January 26, 2023 at 4:00 pm Work It Daily


There are a host of online courses available to help people level up in their careers or learn new skills entirely. But, to fully take advantage of online courses, you need to have your priorities in order and know exactly what you want to accomplish.

Some courses are offered for free, but there are also many that cost money. As you review available online courses and determine the ones worth taking, you may have to consider both finances and time constraints. Consider these four categories when choosing online courses:

Seeking Online Courses For Career Growth

Online courses that can help professionals do their job better are among the most valuable courses that you could take.

It’s easy to work in a role for a long time, but not grow in it. You can’t let that happen! If your career isn’t growing, it’s dying.

In order to make yourself an indispensable employee, it’s important to keep up with industry trends and constantly take inventory of the skills you need to do your job exceptionally well. Some companies will even pay for their employees to take courses or certification programs if the employee can prove it will help them do their job better and ultimately benefit the company.

As far as choosing the right online courses, it helps to write out the specific areas where you’re looking to upskill, and then research which courses check off the most boxes. LinkedIn Learning has a diverse course selection and the website Coursera has an extensive library of courses.

Beyond doing your job better and making yourself an indispensable employee, there’s a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with always trying to get better.

Gaining Skills To Make A Career Change

Breaking into a new industry as a result of a career change or layoff is never easy. One of the first major steps a person has to do is an assessment of professional skills. This is where professionals determine what skills they have that are transferable to the new industry, and what skills they’re lacking.

For example, a journalist looking to make a transition into marketing has important communication and writing skills that will transfer well into the industry, but would probably benefit greatly from a course or certification program in online marketing.

Just because a professional completes a course or certification doesn’t mean they’re qualified for the new industry. But, it may put them in a better position to secure a job interview, and it at least shows potential employers a willingness to learn.

If you were laid off and are unsure about your next career move, Work It Daily has free career quizzes that could point you in the right direction.

Gaining Extra Skills To Be A More Well-Rounded Professional

Taking courses to gain extra skill sets or to pursue an additional passion is a very advantageous position for professionals.

We all have interests beyond our careers, and sometimes our careers turn us on to additional interests. For example, a doctor with a passion for graphic design may take courses about how to develop a freelance business on the side.

Others may take courses to help transition into a new position at their workplace or climb the ladder at the company.

One of the best steps any professional can do is to get ahead of the curve and anticipate skills that they may need in the future. Taking this type of initiative will not only impress your employer but may also help you learn more about yourself as a professional to either excel at your current career or chart a new career course.

Taking Courses For Personal Enjoyment

Not every online course that you take has to be career-related. Sometimes it’s good to just take a course for fun or personal satisfaction. The number of courses available online runs the gamut. You can learn a new language, sit in on online lectures from university professors, discover basic life hacks, and hear from prominent people about their success stories.

Expanding your knowledge base can make you a more well-rounded and happier person. This translates well into all aspects of your life.

Online career courses are only a piece of the puzzle. The path to true career growth is putting together a plan for success, and Work It Daily can help!

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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