What’s Your Workplace Communication Style?Jenna Arcandon April 6, 2023 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


Have you ever wondered about how you communicate with others? How you interact with others plays a major role in both your career and life in general.

It can be hard to categorize yourself, but it’s extremely helpful to have an idea of how you communicate with others and get a sense of how others perceive you. This type of self-assessment is important in figuring out how to market yourself as an employee that adds value to the workplace.

Fortunately, Work It Daily has a FREE Workplace Communication Style Quiz that can help determine your communication style.

What’s The Communication Style Quiz?

The Communication Style (ISAT) Quiz allows you to understand your communication style so you can work more effectively with others. It has 18 questions about your personality and how you handle certain situations.

An example of a question includes:

What describes you best?

A) Do not like pressure situations.

B) Don’t mind pressure situations if can move things forward.

At the end of the quiz, you’ll get your result. An individual’s communication style falls into one of these four categories: Empathizer, Energizer, Contemplator, and Commander. Which one are you?

What Do My Results Mean?

The communication style results page gives a full rundown of each style, including each style’s strengths and weaknesses. Can you guess what communication style you are?

Here are a few characteristics of each one:

Empathizer: Warm, tactful, avoids conflict.

Energizer: Open, upbeat, and outgoing.

Contemplator: Calm and reserved.

Commander: Serious and direct.

You might be surprised by your results. The only way to know for sure is to take the quiz.

How Do I Apply My Results To My Career?

Understanding your communication style can help you better interact with your co-workers. Understanding how you interact with fellow co-workers is especially important if you just started a new job and are the “office newbie.”

Although you might think you have a firm grasp on how you communicate with others, you might not realize how you could be misinterpreted by co-workers, which could lead to some awkward situations and unwanted workplace conflict.

Having a better understanding of your communication style is also helpful for networking and job interviews.

Networking can be tough, so having a handle on how you communicate will help you adapt your networking strategy, while potential employers usually ask job seekers to describe themselves during job interviews.

Don’t Let Your Communication Style Hold You Back At Work

There are so many reasons to understand your communication style. In fact, if you don’t take the time to learn the pros and cons of your communication style, you could seriously hurt your career.

If you feel out of place at work or constantly get passed over for promotions, your communication style could be to blame.

We want to help. You deserve to know this information about yourself so you can unleash your career potential and get what you want from work.

So, take our FREE Communication Style Quiz today. Your career will thank you.

Work It Daily

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