Mastering The Art Of Stakeholder ManagementExecutive Communityon April 10, 2023 at 1:00 pm Work It Daily


Stakeholders are people who have an interest or influence in your project, such as clients, sponsors, managers, team members, end users, etc. They can be a valuable source of feedback, support, and resources for your project, but they can also be a source of conflict, frustration, and risk if they are not managed well.

Difficult stakeholders are those who have unrealistic expectations, conflicting opinions, unclear or changing requirements, poor communication skills, or negative attitudes toward your project. If mishandled, they can cause delays, scope creep, budget overruns, quality issues, or project failure.

Managing Difficult Stakeholders: Tips For Success

So how can you deal with difficult stakeholders effectively and maintain a positive relationship with them? Here are some tips to help you:

Identify your stakeholders and their needs. The first step in dealing with difficult stakeholders is to identify who they are and their level of power and interest in your project. This will help you determine how much attention and communication each stakeholder needs and how best to engage them in your project. For example, stakeholders who have high power and high interest in your project are the ones you need to manage closely. They are usually the ones who can make or break your project, so you need to keep them satisfied and informed. On the opposite end, stakeholders who have low power and low interest in your project are the ones you need to monitor. They may not have much influence or involvement in your project, but you must keep them updated and aware of any changes.

Communicate regularly and proactively. Communication is key to managing stakeholder expectations and building trust and rapport with them. Communicate with your stakeholders regularly and proactively throughout the project lifecycle, using the appropriate channels and methods for each stakeholder group. Provide clear and consistent information about the project status, progress, risks, issues, changes, and achievements. Seek feedback from your stakeholders and listen to their opinions and suggestions.

Manage conflicts and disagreements. In any project that involves multiple stakeholders with diverse perspectives and interests, it’s inevitable to face conflicts and disagreements. However, it’s important not to shy away from or disregard them. Instead, it’s essential to approach them constructively and tactfully. Try to understand the root cause of the conflict and the underlying needs and emotions of each party. Use active listening skills and empathize with their point of view. Find a win-win solution that satisfies both parties or at least minimizes the negative impact on the project.

Negotiate and compromise. Sometimes you may need to negotiate and compromise with your stakeholders to reach a mutually acceptable outcome. Prepare for the negotiation by identifying your goals, alternatives, and best/worst-case scenarios. Research the other party’s position, interests, and motivations. Use effective negotiation techniques such as asking open-ended questions, making concessions, finding common ground, and emphasizing benefits rather than features. Be respectful and courteous throughout the process and avoid personal attacks or emotional reactions.

Manage changes and expectations. Changes are inevitable in any project due to various internal or external factors. However, changes can also cause confusion, frustration, or resistance among your stakeholders if they are not managed well. Ensure you have a clearly defined change management process defining how your project will identify, evaluate, approve, implement, communicate, and monitor changes. Involve your stakeholders in the change process and explain the rationale and impact of each change on the project scope, schedule, budget, quality, or deliverables. Manage stakeholder expectations by setting realistic and achievable goals and milestones for your project and communicating any deviations or issues as soon as possible.

Appreciate and acknowledge. Finally, appreciate and acknowledge your stakeholders’ contribution to and support of your project. Recognize their efforts and achievements publicly or privately, depending on their preference. Express gratitude for the feedback, suggestions, or resources they provide for your project. Lastly, celebrate the project’s success with them and share the credit for the outcomes.

Building Bridges With Difficult Stakeholders

You can overcome the challenges of working with difficult stakeholders and turn them into allies. The key is communicating clearly, managing expectations, resolving conflicts, and building trust. These skills will help you create positive and productive stakeholder relationships that benefit everyone involved. By doing so, you can ensure that your project is successful and meets the needs and goals of all parties.

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