3 Ways To Practically Guarantee You Get The JobJenna Arcandon May 17, 2023 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


Have you ever had the experience of sending out your resume everywhere and getting no results? No emails.

No callbacks.

No interviews.

It sucks, doesn’t it?

I had that experience a few years back. And then a profound realization changed everything for me. I realized that…

You’ve got to make an irresistible offer.

And a boring, traditional resume just doesn’t do that.

See, employers and recruiters are used to seeing the same thing over and over: a plain-Jane resume and cover letter. And they’re dying to get something fresh. Something that makes an impact. Something that’s irresistible.

We’ve all sent in boring resumes during our job search at one point or another. But now, it’s time for an update. Here are three ways to change your job search strategy to practically guarantee you get the job:

1. Prove You’ll Earn Them More Than You Cost

Here’s the truth: You need to make your employer a profit.

Meaning hiring you comes at a cost. And likewise, the effort from the work you do brings in revenue.

So, what’s the easiest way to practically guarantee you get the job you’re applying for? Simply prove, based on past results, that you’re going to bring in more revenue to the business than you cost them.

For example, one campaign I thought of and helped run at my past employer paid for my annual salary within a couple of weeks. That’s solid, tangible, and quantifiable proof that I’m worth more than I cost.

So, if you haven’t already, start thinking of measurable ways you bring in revenue for a company—and then put those detailed examples on your resume. The numbers will speak for themselves.

2. Provide Credible Proof That You Can Perform

Testimonials from credible people—whether they’re mentors, peers, employers, or teachers—are one of the best ways to show proof of past performance and character. And past performance combined with character (cultural fit) is a huge element employers look for in potential employees.

The good news is that LinkedIn has made gathering these testimonials easier than ever. So, if you don’t have any yet, think of a few people that could provide great testimonials for you, and ask for them. They’ll make a huge difference in your job search.

3. Work To Learn, Not To Earn

When you’re first starting out and you don’t have proof of generating results or credible testimonials, then the best way to get your foot in the door (if you’re unable to successfully network your way into the company) is by working for free for a week, or even up to three months.

In fact, I got my dream job—the position I had my heart set on—by offering to work for free for three months. Now, of course, you don’t want to do this for ANY employer. Only offer this if you’re fairly certain that working for free will lead to a job, and that job will open up a world of opportunities within 2-3 years for you.

That’s what it did for me, and that’s what it could do for you.

BONUS: Stand Out Online!

Your bonus tip is to stand out online. Why?

The first thing any employer is going to do when you apply is Google your name. And what if what they found blew them away so much so that they shortlisted you for the position immediately?

That’s what can happen with a great online presence. And nowadays, that’s easier than ever to achieve. You don’t have to be tech savvy, you just need to know how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and make your personal brand known to colleagues, recruiters, and hiring managers.

We know the interview process can be stressful and draining. By doing these four things in your job search, you’ll practically guarantee you get the job!

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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