How To Outsmart Your Fight-Or-Flight Response And Conquer Your Fear Of Public SpeakingExecutive Communityon October 13, 2023 at 4:30 pm Work It Daily


Within seconds when you’re speaking in public, other people decide whether to listen to you and trust you…or not. Your voice and physical presence are extremely potent tools for communication, which makes succumbing to stage fright so unfortunate for many of us. It causes some to not even try climbing on stage in the first place.

Did you know that even though stage fright is instinctual, you can actually trick your brain with an easy mind shift and plenty of practice?

The Neuroscience of Stage Fright

The root of stage fright lies in our body’s ancient fight-or-flight response, a natural survival instinct. When faced with something we perceive as dangerous, our brain provides our body with an extra burst of energy to either confront or flee the assumed threat.

The fight-or-flight reflex releases hormones that prepare the body for battle or escape, increasing our heart rate. In turn, we have shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling muscles.

What’s truly intriguing is that this extra surge of energy is a GIFT—a source of power that we often misinterpret. We unnecessarily attach negative emotions of fear and panic to how our bodies become primed to protect ourselves.

These symptoms are signs of heightened alertness and POWER, not signs of failure and distress. Ruminating on any negative associated feelings can then trigger a spiral of self-doubt. The result: you’d rather not even get out of bed that morning.

Think About it This Way…

Imagine if you were getting ready to compete in an athletic competition and your heart rate DIDN’T pick up in anticipation—seems like a sure signal of defeat, right?

To conquer stage fright, you need to change your mindset. Start by understanding that the physical symptoms you experience are similar to the excitement you feel before something thrilling, like riding a roller coaster, attending a live music concert, or playing a sports match. By reframing your feelings as EXCITEMENT to deliver your speech, you can transform fear into a positive force.

So when you start to feel nervous, take a moment to thank yourself. Thank your body for giving you this extra boost and sharpened edge to perform at peak condition. Just like an athlete posed for the starting signal, you are primed and ready for your greatest performance.

The Importance of Preparation

Insufficient preparation is a significant factor in pre-speech nerves. Doubts about your voice, appearance, or content can intensify the fear. To overcome public speaking anxiety, thorough preparation and practice are essential. These ensure you’re ready for any situation that may arise, boosting your confidence.

Embracing Imperfections

If you still feel inadequate, consider embracing your nervousness and imperfections as part of your stage presence. Openly admit your nerves to your audience; most of them have experienced the same thing. They will appreciate your authenticity and courage in acknowledging your vulnerabilities. This transparency builds human connection and support from your audience.

That’s a Wrap

Stage fright is conquerable and it’s a dragon worth slaying. There’s no doubt that using your voice to its fullest potential is a powerful tool for achieving your goals. By understanding the science behind stage fright, shifting your mindset, thorough preparation, and embracing your imperfections, you can overcome public speaking fears.

Don’t let a primitive fight-or-flight response hold you back from sharing your message and passion with the world.

Discover the incredible power of public speaking, a core skill that can transform your career and elevate your everyday interactions. Don’t worry, it’s totally achievable—anyone can conquer the art of speaking and presentations through practice. If you want to level up in this area, join me (on LinkedIn or visit my website) for some seriously cool techniques rooted in behavioral science, marketing strategy, and the performing arts. You deserve to be heard.

Work It Daily

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