How To Conduct A Stealth Job SearchExecutive Communityon July 22, 2024 at 4:48 pm Work It Daily


I was talking to a client recently who’s conducting a stealth job search. A stealth job search is when you’re currently working for an employer and you don’t want them to know that you are looking for a better job. Now, this is dicey because if you start doing some of the techniques that are helping people get noticed on LinkedIn these days, you could draw attention to yourself.

The number one way to get a white-collar job right now is to be very visible and active on LinkedIn. LinkedIn changed its algorithm recently, so now for you to be found by recruiters you have to be posting in your LinkedIn feed.

It’s not enough just to have a profile anymore. You actually need to have a content strategy if you want to be found by recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn. The problem with that is if you don’t know how to post the right content when you’re conducting a stealth job search, it can alert a lot of people at your current employer, maybe even your boss, leading them to ask you why you’re posting so much content—and that can be awkward. I’ve actually heard of some people who got fired because the company found out they were actively looking for work.

It’s a buyer’s market right now, meaning employers know that there is somebody who can replace you. So, you need to be careful with this content strategy in your stealth job search.

A Content Strategy Matrix Is Key

The solution, and the thing that we teach all of our clients over at Work It DAILY who are in stealth job search mode, is how to fill out and complete something called a content strategy matrix. This matrix helps you decide what content you could put in your LinkedIn feed without it drawing attention.

The secret? Creating content in which you can invite your co-workers, even your boss, to comment and contribute. This makes them think that they’re part of the process and makes them blissfully unaware that you’re actually looking for a job.

So many of my clients who use this content strategy matrix in their stealth job search ask, “Why didn’t somebody teach me this sooner?” It’s so easy to do. Their colleagues are commenting on their posts. Everyone is getting visibility on LinkedIn. And lo and behold, they’re getting contacted by recruiters.

A content strategy matrix is the key to getting recruiters to contact you about jobs without you having to contact them. This is really important in a competitive job market because in the hidden job market, there are jobs that you are qualified for that you probably want really badly that aren’t publicly posted, and that’s because companies don’t want to get hundreds, sometimes thousands, of unqualified applicants. So they don’t post the jobs. Instead, they send their recruiters out on LinkedIn to find the right candidates. You’re not going to be able to apply to jobs secretly because these jobs aren’t anywhere for you to apply to. The only way you’re going to get them is if a recruiter finds you, which is, again, why you’re going to need a content strategy matrix and a posting strategy that’s simple and easy to implement.

If you’re looking for a job while employed, it’s essential to learn all the stealth job search techniques. A content strategy matrix will get recruiters to contact you about jobs that are a fit for you. Learn how to create one with a Work It DAILY membership.

Good luck, and go get ’em!

Work It Daily

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