Quick Tip: Monday Is The Day For LinkedIn EndorsementsJenna Arcandon November 12, 2021 at 4:30 pm Work It Daily


LinkedIn launched a new feature a handful of years ago that lets you quickly and easily endorse people in your network for one or more skill sets they’ve chosen to list for themselves. Anyone who is actively looking for work right now should be striving to get endorsed often. Here’s why…

Recruiters Will Be Looking At Your LinkedIn Endorsements

Before this feature was launched, people could “game” their profile for a type of job by filling it with skill sets—in other words, keyword-optimizing their LinkedIn profile—to ensure their profile showed up in a recruiter’s proactive search for talent via LinkedIn. Simply fill your headline, “About” section (Summary), and “Experience” section (Work History) with these keywords and you were improving the chances you’d be looked at. You absolutely should optimize your LinkedIn profile, and this is a great strategy that most job seekers don’t use, so you might have a competitive advantage over those people in your job search. The problem is just because you claim you have these skills, doesn’t mean the rest of the world thinks you have them, too.

Endorsements solve that problem! Now, when a recruiter sees you say you are good at “sales” and it’s validated by dozens of endorsements, they know you are the real deal. They’ll be more likely to contact you instead of another job candidate who is not endorsed for that skill.

Mondays Were Made For “Endorse Day” On LinkedIn

Taking a page from the highly successful #followfriday ritual over on Twitter, coupled with the statistical evidence to support, Monday is a terrible day to reach out to recruiters and others for help in your job search, so it occurred to me that Mondays are the ideal day to start an “Endorse Day” ritual.

The idea is simple: every Monday, take 10 minutes out of your morning to pay it forward by endorsing 10 people in your LinkedIn network. Imagine how you would feel if, in your inbox on a Monday (aka the day of the week when even the most cheerful people struggle to get going), you found endorsements of your skill sets from your peers. Would it make you feel good? Yup. Would it make you realize what a great colleague they were for taking the time to do it? Sure thing. Most of all, would it make you want to endorse them back? Bingo!

In short, you got to give to get. So, why not make Mondays the day you give to those in your network? Not only will it make you feel good, I guarantee you will get a good return on your investment!

Need Help With Your LinkedIn Profile?

Every professional needs a well-optimized resume and LinkedIn profile if they want to build their professional network and stand out to hiring managers and recruiters. If you’re applying to jobs and not seeing results, your LinkedIn profile and resume could be holding you back.

Thankfully, getting the help you need doesn’t have to be expensive. Get your resume & LinkedIn profile reviewed by a Work It Daily coach today!

This post was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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