The 10 People You NEED In Your NetworkExecutive Communityon October 3, 2024 at 7:34 pm Work It Daily


Let’s talk about something even more important than knowing to mute yourself on Zoom: your network.

Building a strong and diverse professional network isn’t just a good idea; it is THE cheat code for your career. The right people in your network can open doors you didn’t even know existed, empowering you to reach new levels in your career journey.

The following article is inspired by a previously written article on the Work It DAILY blog: Top 10 People You Must Have In Your Network To Find A Job by Tai Goodwin and Jenna Arcand.

One of the best mindsets you can have when networking is that every person you meet, introduce yourself to, connect with, and reconnect with could be your golden ticket to your dream job, best-fit client, or opportunity you haven’t even thought of. But you must network and nurture those connections to get the desired results, fostering community and support in your professional life.

Let’s dive into the 10 people you absolutely NEED in your network. These folks aren’t just placeholders; each brings something crucial to your career development—like the Avengers, but with less spandex and more coffee.

1. The Mentor

Ah, the Mentor. The Yoda to your Luke, the Dumbledore to your Harry. We all need that wise, experienced person who’s been there, done that, and can tell you exactly how you’re about to mess up. But in a loving way, of course.

A Mentor doesn’t just give you advice—they give you that gut check when you’re about to make a career decision that might have you facepalming for years. They will make the path easier but not eliminate all learning experiences. Mentorship isn’t just about guidance; it’s about having someone in your corner who truly wants to see you succeed, even when you can’t see it for yourself.

2. The Connector

The Connector is the person who knows everyone, and I mean everyone. They are the human equivalent of LinkedIn on steroids, making connections that can change your entire career trajectory. They are the person who, whenever you go anywhere, is always saying hi to someone, or someone is saying hey to them. And it’s not just a casual greeting—after a bit of small talk, they’re telling you that person’s life story, kids’ names, pets, family happenings, etc. They are your personal CMS (connection management system).

How do you nurture a relationship with a Connector? Be genuine, express gratitude, and—here’s a thought—be a Connector yourself! Pay it forward, and it all comes full circle, empowering you to impact your network significantly.

3. The Industry Insider

In our fast-paced world, having an Industry Insider in your network is like having tomorrow’s newspaper today. Industry Insiders dial in on what’s happening in your field, often before anyone else. They know the trends, challenges, and, most importantly, opportunities just around the corner. These professionals have deep knowledge in an area and can provide current and upcoming trends, which helps you stay competitive. The difference between an Industry Insider and an Innovator is that the Insider is more focused on “real-time” developments, whereas an Innovator is looking toward the future.

Want to connect with an Industry Insider? Engage with their content, attend the same events, and, most importantly, listen. You’ll learn more in one lunch with an Insider than in weeks of Googling.

4. The Innovator

The Innovator is that person who’s always two steps ahead—sometimes so far ahead that you’re not even sure what they’re talking about, but you nod along because, hey, they’re onto something. These people challenge the status quo and bring fresh, creative ideas to the table. Many would say “out of the box” with their ideas. They are more interested in disruptive ideas, radical shifts, creative thinking, and problem-solving.

Stepping outside of any box or comfort zone can be anxiety-inducing. Meeting an Innovator who not only lived outside the box but didn’t even know where the box was anymore takes some of the anxiety out and infuses excitement. Their problem-solving approach has completely shifted how I handle challenges, making me more adaptable. Honestly, I love a great brainstorming session now.

5. The Challenger

You know those people who ask you, “But why?” and “Have you thought about it this way?” right when you feel super confident about something? Yeah, that’s the Challenger. They push you out of your comfort zone, not because they like seeing you squirm (okay, maybe a little), but because they know you’re capable of more. Others may mention phrases like “tough love,” “devil’s advocate,” etc.

This relationship may be one of the toughest in your inner circle, but it can also be one of the most powerful. So, next time someone in your network challenges you, thank them after you finish cursing their name.

6. The Cheerleader

If the Challenger is the tough-love coach, the Cheerleader is your number-one fan, pom-poms and all. We all need someone who believes in us, even when we’re not sure we believe in ourselves. This person will be encouraging, supportive, and optimistic. Cheerleaders are the ones who remind you of your accomplishments when imposter syndrome is doing its worst.

It’s not just about feeling good—it’s about having the confidence to keep pushing forward. And remember, being a Cheerleader for others is just as important. Karma, baby!

7. The Collaborator

Collaboration isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the secret sauce to making big things happen. The Collaborator in your network is the person who knows how to work with others to bring ideas to life. Collaborators appreciate mutual respect, clear and concise communication, and the willingness to share the spotlight. This professional turns your projects and goals into a team effort. They are the epitome of “two heads are better than one.”

8. The Rising Star

Don’t underestimate the power of connecting with someone on the way up. Rising Stars bring fresh energy, new perspectives, ambition and potential, and sometimes the very innovation you need to stay ahead of the curve. Plus, when they hit it big, you can proudly say you knew them when.

While new to the “real world,” these professionals bring very different skills to your industry from when you joined. The same benefits your Mentor provides to you, the same goes for your relationship with a Rising Star and yourself. Keep an eye out for these folks—they’re the future of your industry.

9. The Amplifier (Influencer)

Before you roll your eyes, let me clarify: I’m not just talking about Instagram stars selling protein powder (Influencer). The Amplifier in your network is someone who has the reach and credibility to amplify your message to a broader audience. This network relationship is mutually beneficial through reciprocal opportunities, partnerships, or enhanced reputation in their network.

Amplifiers guard their credibility carefully. Associating with someone who isn’t authentic could damage their reputation, making them wary of supporting you—the name of the game: authenticity. The Amplifier can smell a phony a mile away—seriously, they’re like bloodhounds, but instead of tracking people, they’re sniffing out your bad vibes and fake enthusiasm. You could be offering them gold, but if you’re faking it, they’ll smell it before they see it.

10. The Mastermind

Last but not least, the Mastermind. This is the person—or group—who challenges your thinking and pushes your intellectual boundaries. Whether it’s a formal group or a regular meeting of brilliant minds, having a Mastermind in your network is like having your own think tank.

Isn’t a Mastermind the same as the Innovator? Not quite. Innovators are more about disrupting, while Masterminds focus on refining and expanding those ideas.


So there you have it—the 10 people you NEED in your network. Each plays a vital role in your professional journey through guidance, connections, innovation, or just a good old-fashioned pep talk. Take a moment to reflect on your network. Who’s missing? Where can you grow?

If you have a story about one of these roles in your network or if there’s someone you think I missed, comment below or shoot me a message. Let’s keep this conversation going—after all, networking is a team sport.

Thanks for reading.

Remember: you’re not just building a network; you’re building a community for your career.

Work It Daily

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