Time Management: 4 Keys To Avoiding Work-Related StressJenna Arcandon September 12, 2023 at 3:00 pm Work It Daily


Workplace stress is considered normal. However, excessive stress may negatively affect your productivity and personal health. The way you deal with stress at work can make a difference. Many people assume that they don’t have any control over their work environment. Yes, you can’t control everything at your workplace, but it doesn’t mean you’re powerless.

Stress management isn’t a big deal if you keep your focus clear and think about the aspects that ARE in your control. If you are over-occupied with work, then it might make your attitude stubborn or irritable. You can lose your confidence and your work will seem less rewarding. If you don’t manage workplace stress at its initial stage, then it will ultimately result in bigger problems.

Here are some simple time management tips to regain your control over difficult situations and handle work-related stress effectively:

Balance Your Work-Life Schedule

Analyze your daily schedule and responsibilities at home and work. Make a to-do list and estimate the time needed to complete tasks. Create a smooth balance between work and family life. Analyze your eating and sleeping habits (many people don’t get enough sleep). Eat a balanced diet and try to get 6-8 hours of sleep.

Don’t Over-Commit

It’s not humanly possible to work well consecutively for 8-9 hours. Some people think that if they work uninterrupted for eight hours, then they can get more work done. This concept is not true. Instead, it will decrease your energy and productivity levels and lift your work-related stress level.

Avoid putting too much on your plate and scheduling tasks back-to-back. Don’t over-occupy yourself and take on too many tasks for a single day. If you have heaps of tasks, then make a distinction between “should” and “must.” Drop down tasks that are not on priority right now or remove them entirely from your list. Time management is essential to any workday.

Get To Work Earlier

Try to get to work early. Even 10-15 minutes can bring a huge difference between rushing toward your seat and peacefully starting your day. Don’t add one more stressor to your list by arriving late to the office.

Organize Your Breaks

Take a few five-minute breaks throughout your day to keep your mind fresh. Go for a walk, stretch at your desk, conduct a breathing exercise, or engage in small chit-chat with your colleagues to keep yourself active. Sitting in one place the whole day can make you dull and lethargic.

Go out or get away from your cubicle for lunch. Stepping away from your tasks and taking small breaks will help you relax and recharge so you can conquer new challenges.

Pressure at work is sometimes motivating but an excessive amount of it results in stress. By effectively managing your time, you can organize your tasks, meet your deadlines, and beat work-related stress.

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

Work It Daily

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